HQspace offers its engineering services in the following areas:
- Project Management Support
- Space System Engineering
- Space Operations Engineering
- AIT Planning and Support
- Proposal Writing
Below you can find an overview of the specific services HQspace can provide. If you are interested to learn more about these and possible other services, contact HQspace via info@hqspace.nl or via LinkedIn.
Project Management support:
HQspace can offer Project Management support for your space project. When detailed insight of the project is needed for progress monitoring, or careful planning of the activities to meet the deadlines, HQspace will help by making sure the detailed information is made available and worked out in a usable format on which decisions can be made. HQ space can help you in the following areas:
- Project Planning and Progress Reporting
- Project Planning Optimisation
- Risk Management
- Structuring and Organisation of Project Relevant Information and Status
- Progress Monitoring
Space System Engineering
Space System Engineering covers a wide area of tasks and disciplines. HQspace is focussed on providing support in the tasks and activities that are overlapping with project management and quality and product assurance. HQspace can assist with the structuring of system engineering information and making sure no detail is forgotten for both the nominal and off-nominal situations. Support can be provided in the following system engineering areas:
- Requirements Review and Definition
- Verification and Validation Planning and Progress monitoring
- Non Conformance, System Problem Report or Issue Handling and Tracking
- Configuration Management
Space Operations Engineering
Operating a spacecraft or equipment requires careful planning and preparation. The operator must have the information available to assess the status and have the validated procedures to command and control the spacecraft or equipment. In particular for time critical operations and responses where wrong or too late commands or responses can delay or end the mission. HQspace can offer your support to prepare for or perform operations:
- Operation Oriented Design and Planning
- Console Operations
- Procedure Writing, Reviewing and Verification
- Operations Activity Preparation
- Anomaly Resolution Management
AIT support
The assembly, integration and testing of spacecraft and space equipment is a costly and sometimes irreversible sequence of activities. Just like for operations, carefully planning and detailed activity planning is required to avoid errors, skipping steps or causing damage. HQspace can help with the detailed planning of the AIT activities and turn the planning into detailed checklists and procedures keeping a close eye on the requirement verification and validation. The services include:
- Assembly and Test Planning and Procedure Writing
- Technology Readiness Level Assessment of Assembly and Test Activities
- Requirement Verification and Validation Planning
- Test Campaign Coordination
- Anomaly Resolution Management
Proposal writing
When writing a proposal in response to an RFI or RFP, a lot of information needs to be delivered in a presentable format in a fast pace. While it is common to directly focus on writing down your company’s solution to the stated problem or requested design, a RFP/RFI also requires the delivery of a consistent project plan with all the foreseen activities. Once again, careful planning of your proposal writing activities will help you deliver better proposals. Planning your checkpoints, reviews, compliance checks and internal evaluation before submitting will allow you tofocus on those proposals with a good chance of succeeding. HQspace can help you in your proposal activities in the following areas:
- RFP or RFI Compliance Verification
- Writing and Reviewing of
- Project Management Plan
- System Engineering Plan
- Configuration Management Plan
- Document Management Plan
- Issue, Non Conformance Report, System Problem Report & Anomaly Handling Plan
- Planning Proposal Writing Activities
- Risk Assessment
- Reviewing for Consistency of the Proposal
If you are interested to learn more about these and possible other services, contact HQspace via info@hqspace.nl or via LinkedIn.