An image can say more than a thousand words. To capture the thousands of thousand of works in the many history books you can now find on space history I started to create posters that provide an overview of the exciting history of spaceflight.
Keep an eye on the website as I will be posting new posters, or updates.
20 Years of ISS
In November 2020 we celebrated 20 years of permanent occupation of the ISS. To commemorate this moment I created the following poster to show the history of the ISS starting with the first assembly flight untill present day (the version below is untill february 2021)
Since the ISS programme is fortunately not at it’s end I will make annula updates to include the missions, upgrades and EVAs of the last year. With 2021 being an exciting year for the ISS with the start of commercialisation, upgrades on USOS and on ROS side and new spaceflight participants flights in thed planning keep an eye out for the new relase early next year!
The download file should provide you with a sufficient size poster for small size printing. The poster may only be used for personal display and not for public or commercial activities without permission of the author.
For high resolution posters or customized poster highlighting specific mission, elements or activities you can contact me at
Space Shuttle Missions Overview
In 2021 we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the first Space Shuttle Mission STS-1 on April 12th. It is also the 10th anniversary of the last Space Shuttle mission, STS-135 Atlantis, that landed on July 21st ending a 30 year long iconic programme.
Personally I am still sad the programme needed to come to an end. In the end the cost were too high to maintain the shuttle besides the ISS and other human space exploration programmes. Furthermore it imposed too high risks for crew safety. Nevertheless the shuttle was a versatile platform that allowed for many different mission types and offered capabilities we now miss for the ISS and other challenges like for instance orbital debris.
These days the discussion is all about re-usability of launchers and how this will be the future, it is often forgotten that the Space Shuttle was doing this already 40 years ago. Not only were the shuttle and boosters reusable, a vast array of supporting hardware like Spacelab, SPACEHAB, deployers and many other facilities could be used over and over again. In the end the shuttle was probably ahead of it’s time and before technologies could offer cost effective solutions. But In many ways we would not be have reusable systems today if we did not have the shuttle.
To celebrate the Space Shuttle Programme here is an overview of all the Space Shuttle Missions, depicting details like mission length, crew size and launch and landing location. Furthermore it shows the mission types, deployed satellites, re-used hardware and station visits.
The download file should provide you with a sufficient size poster for small size printing. The poster may only be used for personal display and not for public or commercial activities without permission of the author.
For high resolution posters or customized poster highlighting specific mission, elements or activities you can contact me at